of My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars

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My Dirty Tactics@ Mafia Wars, unlike other guides before, is truly original and revolutionary in concept.  I am attacking Mafia Wars at its very heart and sucking it bone-dry.

I know my dirty tactics are best kept hidden from the public. They are just too devastating it can break the gameplay balance of Mafia Wars!

I am feeling what Albert Einstein felt. I think releasing this guide is akin to letting other people play with dangerous knowledge. ^_^

I'm only forced to publish this because I have an emergency need for money. My brother Winston needs LASIK surgery for his eyes.

To every kindhearted Mafia Wars player who donate $ 8.88, you will get full access to this Real Ultimate Guide To Mafia Wars Terminator Domination.  I am sharing with you my Secret Method on how to powerlevel  a Terminator Godfather at Mafia Wars. You can achieve this goal WITHOUT spending real money for Reward Points from Zynga.

As you can see, I put PayPal Donate button instead of Buy. I am trying to raise some much-need money. Not for my profit but to help my brother, Winston.

I will not put fake customer testimonials in here to deceive you. It is up to you to find out how I am killing Level 700++ Mafia Wars Players with my Level 196 Maniac at Facebook Mafia Wars.

I am not being a braggart. I just want to share my dirty tactics so that others will also enjoy the same supreme satisfaction of slaying much-higher level players. Take note that my both my victims have very high Mafia Defense rating compared to my low Mafia Attack rating and yet I still killed them!

My name is not David but I'm a balding, 35- year-old Goliath-slayer. ^_^

Take note, do NOT misunderstand the said screenshots. I CANNOT kill all higher level players than me. Just these two and a few others on my browser's bookmark.  :P

I  blocked out their names because they are now my friends and members of my Mafia Family. They were so impressed I beat them.  They sent me friend invites which I gladly accepted. They are nice people, one is from Taiwan and the Avtoritet is a lawyer from Bulgaria. They were curious to know how I was able to beat them. Being a good sport, I told them all about my secret method!  I told them about my dirty tactics! They were shocked at my revelation. xD

They have been playing Mafia Wars for more than a year now and yet my method is far superior to what they have been doing!

They were the ones who suggested I should make a guide about my dirty tactics. They both puchased a copy of Mafia Wars Secrets and Dominate in Mafia Wars. They said my dirty tactics was surprisingly much more effective. After much prodding from them and and a sudden urgent need for money, I finally decided to write a concise guide. The result is My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars. It is mainly based on my Facebook Mafia Wars experience.

Eventhough they already knew my dirty tactics, they are the first two people on Earth who donated for a copy of My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars!  I just love these guys so much!

My book is NOT a  Mafia Wars reader's digest of copy-pasted articles from Google search. You can expect Weapon-of-Mass-Destruction-quality instructions which  you can use to be a ruthless predator (and not a wimp) at Mafia Wars.

I am a hardcore MMORPG gamer and the creators of Mafia Wars are incompetents. I'm aghast they are ignoring  fatal defects in the game that is earning them millions of dollars from Facebook players alone.

There are over 26 Million Mafia Wars players on Facebook  and many more from MySpace and Tagged and yet (I believe), nobody has figured out the inherent weakness of this  very addictive game.

It is only now that, I, Almario Alexej Delim Alcaraz, Jr., will show you how easy it is to level extremely fast, and at the same time have a very strong Mafia Wars character. You achieve these WITHOUT buying Godfather Reward Points from Zynga!

I am dissiminating this e-book as a public service to Mafia Wars customers who are spending too much money and enriching Zynga.

I am not interested in any moral debate about me leeching on their success. I believe I also deserve a few dollars from Mafia Wars addicts. I am trying to get my fair share. ROFL.

My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars guide book will teach you how to take advantage of Mafia Wars' innate vulnerabilities. I used to be a game developer myself so I feel no pity for Zynga's ineptitude. They should hire better game programmers. My guide is not about cheats or hacks. I am only exposing the weak points already embedded on Mafia Wars.

My dirty tactics is all about striking at these so-called Achilles Heel spots of Mafia Wars source code.

While its popularity is very impressive, Mafia Wars is just another text-based role playing game created most probably on  PHP/SQL backbone. Zynga based the playbook of this game from the creator of Mob Wars and they got sued earlier this year.

Mafia Wars is obviously a blatant clone of Mob Wars that Zynga had no choice but to pay and settle the suit. They knew they will lose the case and pay much more if they fought it out in court.

I  understand they have had enough headaches and they already lost millions of dollars from litigation. They have my full sympathy. I am well aware that by releasing this guide, I  will cause further hurt to their pockets.  I am really very sorry for this but I urgently need some money because my brother needs LASIK surgery!

I only started playing Mafia Wars on Facebook last October 18, 2009. It only took me more than a week to figure out the perfect way to pawn this game.  I am having so much fun exploiting some very fundamental mistakes in Mafia Wars game programming.

I am not staking a pioneer claim to discovering these coding mistakes. I suspect other smarter geeks have already figured them out well before me, but they kept it to themselves. They are either too selfish to share or they are scared of Zynga.

Well, I am not selfish and I certainly am not scared of Zynga. As I have said earlier, I have an urgent need for money.  I am risking Zynga's intense dislike for the sake of helping my brother.

I am making an appeal to Mafia Wars fanatics to please buy this book. Your donations will help me a lot in my problem. This guide is written for people who can appreciate a kendo kamikaze stroke of genius. While my guide can be construed as a fatal blow to Mafia Wars, I am not being evil here. It is not my aim to cause indiscriminate destruction of Mafia Wars gameplay.

Zynga has my assurances that I am not as dumb as other Mafia Wars guide authors who put out their guides in PDF format via ClickBank. Illegal copies of their inutile guides are already being rampantly distributed.

My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars e-book is an EXE file protected by  hardware-lock technology. I hope that by doing this, my guide won't be easily pirated and shared on torrent and filesharing sites.

This guide will only be available to people who donate.  I am trying to be as responsible as I can to restrict illegal distribution of My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars guide.

I am also planning to only sell 888 copies of this e-book so as to minimize its impact on Mafia Wars gameplay. I am not greedy nor callous. I know how difficult  it is to run and mantain gameplay balance for online games.  I expect Zynga to never notice an imbalance of Mafia Wars if only a few people knows about my dirty tactics.

I am apprehensive, though, that other devious authors who sells Mafia Wars guides  will obtain a copy of My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars and plagiarized all its contents. While it is despicable, I got no problem with that. On the contrary, I  am glad I  will be helping them make more money. I only hope they would be more responsible in its distribution. Secured PDF files are so easy to decrypt! Please be aware that ClickBank can also distribute e-books in other more secured file formats!

I choosed NOT to avail of ClickBank's services because I am very much intent in having full control of my e-book's distribution.

You can download my e-book, My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia wars here.





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The first three pages are not locked so you can read them.  You will need  a valid key to read the rest of it. Please donate $ 8.88 to get your unlock code.

If you decide to donate for a license key for My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars, just email me the Computer Hardware ID # of your computer where you want to permanently have it installed.

You can find out your Hardware ID # when you try to read page 4,  a pop-up message will appear

Click Ok to return to the main window of my E-book. On the menu tab on the top you will see this

Please click Register Button (Pencil Icon) and you will see another pop-up message on your screen. It will show and identify your Unique computer ID number and ask for an Unlock key.

Click Copy to Clipboard button and paste it to Microsoft Word or Notepad. Save it to your hard drive. Once you have decided to donate for an Unlock Key, email me your full name, Paypal account name and your Computer ID number.

Again, I repeat you can only use 1 copy of My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars at 1 specific computer so be very sure where you want to have it. You will need to purchase another Unlock Key for each extra Computer/Laptop.

I will generate a unique Unlock key for your particular computer ID number after I receive your PayPal donation. Email at once or try to get me on Yahoo Messenger or MSN . You can also send me an SMS message to alert me instantly of your donation, +63 9154528975.

You can expect a prompt email reply with your unique Unlock Key. I am in the Philippines (GMT +8). If ever I don't reply immediately, it is either I am sleeping or I am pleasuring my womyn!

It is a bit inconvenient but do not fret about how I am distributing My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars. I am merely trying to minimize illegal dissimination of my dirty tactics.  ^_^

Too many people doing my dirty tactics will force Zynga to do a major overhaul of Mafia Wars programming. I do not want that
to happen too soon!



Get an Unlock Code A.S.A.P For My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars.

Pinoy Mafia Wars addicts can donate via Globe G-Cash, M.L. Kwarta Padala, LBC Pera Padala and Western Union. Email me or text/call 0915-4528975 for further instructions. Dahil kapuso at Kapamilya ko kayo pwede kayo mag donate ng mas murang presyo, 388 pesos lang po!

If you would like to be a distributor for My Tactics @ Mafia Wars, kindly contact me and email your proposal on how you can help me distribute this guide. I am willing to give as  much as 50% commission, depending on performance. If you help get more donations for me, you can get higher commission!

Who can use this guide?

My Dirty Tactics @ Mafia Wars is beneficial to all Mafia Wars Addicts. My methods are applicable to Facebook, MySpace and Tagged versions of Mafia Wars. If you want to level very quickly and be a Top Terminator Godfather at Mafia Wars, do not hesitate too long. Please donate now and learn my dirty tactics so you too can enjoy absolute Imbalanced domination of Mafia Wars. Know my secrets and you will also be killing players twice or thrice your own level.  My other account, only level 103, is already killing level 400+++ players!

"Veni. Vidi. Vici. I came. I saw. I conquered. I conquered Mafia Wars and you can conquer it too!"
- Almario Alexej D. Alcaraz, Jr.
    aka [Admin]Ginebra, [GM]Ginebra.

Thank you so much for being so patient in reading this very long webpage. Thank you also for helping me and my brother. God bless you and have a nice day! :-)

Disclaimer: Zynga, Inc. owns all the copyrights and trademark of Mafia Wars, Zynga, and other related images, logos, terms pertaining to the game Mafia Wars. I am in no way associated nor  
endorsed by Zynga, Inc.  All other copyrighted materials are property of their respective owners. I an only using them for illustrative purposes!
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Mobile:+63 9154528975
